Tuesday 27 September 2011

Video plans

Paramore – Monster Visual Style Dark and moody, most of the video will be filmed in Muxton woods, and the surrounding area. It will be half performance and half narrative. The performance will be filmed in a clearing in the forest; no drummer will be in the video as it is too inconvenient to include a drummer with the hassle of moving a drum kit around a forest, and not just that, but the original video shows no signs of a drummer.

Niki - Singer
David- Guitarist
Kyle - Bassist

Practicalities: - Location Almost 100% filmed in Muxton Woods, and the surrounding area. Any shots that needed to be added later may be filmed in a place similar to the woods.

Costumes Both guys will wear black jeans and a dark shirt (Or as dark jeans as possible) With dark shoes/trainers; both guys’ clothes will be plain and un-patterned. Niki will wear dark jeans, with a stripy shirt or a patterned shirt so that she stands out from the guys.

Times to film As much of the video will be shot in either one day, or one weekend, as times for the rest of the cast will be a little erratic as nobody is on the same schedule.  

This is a aerial screenshot of the location that i will be filming. It is located just off Marshbrook Way in Muxton and is a very large woody area. 

Audience Theories: Diversion is used in my work, in that the characters are escaping from the world into the forest, which symbolises them escaping from reality into a world of dreams. The unreality of the situation is represented by the strange colours of the editing on the skies

Personal relationships are used in that audiences can relate to the main female lead. 

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